The centrifugal pump, definition and models that we produce at InoxMIM

The centrifugal pump is a machine designed to pump and mix liquids, which works through a rotary movement, transforming the mechanical energy of an impeller into kinetic or pressure energy of a fluid.  It is a specific type of quite a common hydraulic pump.

bombas centrífugas

What types of centrifugal pump will you find on our website?

We have four families of centrifugal pump: The FL20C, FL30CI, FL50CI and FLUID. In addition, our range also includes other centrifugal or positive displacement pumping systems that cover the vast majority of food applications:

-Centrifugal Helical Turbine Pumps

  • These are intended for pumping products containing solid particles with special care during the transfer process. Specialist product for the food and wine industry.

-Liquid ring vacuum pump

  • These are designed for the transfer of clean fluids, which do not have solid particles in the suspension. They can be used with a wide range of products from different sectors of the industry.

-Flexible Impeller Pumps

  • These are specially designed for the treatment of viscous or high-density products.

-Gear Pumps

  • These are characterised by their robustness and reliability. These latest generation pumps are ideal for handling viscous products, both for the chemical and food industry.

-Lobe Rotor Pumps

  • These are high-performance industrial pumps, constructed out of steel, and are also specially designed for processing viscous products. One of the highest quality pumps.

-Progressive Cavity Pumps

  • This is the ideal solution for products and applications that need to be processed at very high pressure.

-Peristaltic Pumps

  • These pumps have the distinctive feature of protecting the fluids being processed from mistreatment, since there are no mechanical parts that come into contact with liquids at any time. They are used in the food industry for the preparation of juices, sauces, pulps or wines.

FluidMIM, a specialist department of InoxMIM

FluidMIM is the department that deals with InoxMIM centrifugal pumps and pumping systems. It is responsible for studying each case and choosing the best solution on a project-by-project basis. This guarantees maximum possible performance and the lowest cost for each application. The entire process has ISO 9001 certification. The company has always strived for the same goal: to offer the best quality at the best price, backed up by a team of some of finest technicians and industrial machinery professionals.

Since its humble beginnings in 1997, INOXMIM has always been heavily involved in the development and manufacture of industrial machinery. The pumping, agitation, mixing and fluid delivery systems that we manufacture have enabled us to meet the needs of our customers on a continual basis.

Through constant innovation and development, INOXMIM is able to provide complete solutions for most processes, whilst satisfying the most demanding industry requirements.

We are your ideal professional partner with a long history and a vast amount of experience.