Agitation and mixing systems to cover all of the processes within the cosmetics production industry

At our company we design and develop cosmetics mixers and comprehensive solutions of agitation, mixing and pumping systems for the beauty and personal care industry.  

The cosmetic products market is one of those that has grown the most over recent years throughout Europe. According to data from Stanpa–the Spanish Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association, formed by more than 400 entities that manufacture and distribute perfumes, cosmetics and personal care products in our country-, in 2019, this market grew 2.6%, to generate more than eight thousand two hundred million euros just in Spain.

 mezcladores de cosméticos

As if that wasn’t enough, we can find more data that shows us that this is a booming market; it is estimated that each Spanish person consumes between 7 and 9 cosmetics products each day, and buys around 28 products each year, spending an average of €170.  It is important to bear in mind that the European average is €140 per person per year, in Spain it is clear that the cosmetics market has a great future ahead. 

We must not forget to mention other indisputable data, like the fact that our country is situated among the top ten countries in the world for exporting cosmetics products, of which more than 80% of these companies are SMEs, or that the sector generates 39,000 direct jobs and more than 250,000 indirect ones.

Faced with this wealth of positive data, this is where we, as manufacturers of integral solutions and agitation and mixing machinery has a great deal to offer.

AGITIM is our department dedicated to the R+D of new technologies and mixing systems for the cosmetics industry

Prefabricated modular plant for making cosmetic creams

We have a department that specialises in developing cosmetics mixers and all types of machinery for the processes industry. 

In this video, you can see a prefabricated modular plant for making cosmetic creams, developed by our team of engineers, that works using various agitation and counter-rotating systems designed for the production of viscous products: creams, gels, shampoos, moisturising creams, facial creams…

All of our machines are underpinned by two things: the quality of components and their technical complexity, in terms of performance-efficiency.

Furthermore, we perfectly understand the factors of consumption and mechanical performance appropriate for each process and this enables us to develop specific machinery for each application. 

In the agitation and mixing machines we offer different sealing solutions to guarantee a good seal, preventing leaks of the product, gases…., as well as machines that can work under excess pressure, empty, explosive atmospheres…

 mezcladores de cosméticos

Full detergent production plant 

In this other video, you can see first-hand a plant producing gels and shampoos, which consists of an automatic CIP cleaning system and some of our agitators and pump systems. 

Would you like to receive information or request a quote to purchase one of our mixers for the cosmetics industry?

If you would like us to help you to improve and optimise any of the production processes of your industrial plant with one of our cosmetics mixers, you just need to contact us by completing the form below:

You can also call us by phone on (+34) 972 58 20 40 or send us an email to [email protected]

Let’s get to work straight away!

 mezcladores de cosméticos

Desde sus comienzos en 1997, INOXMIM ha estado fuertemente ligada al desarrollo y fabricación de maquinaria industrial. Los sistemas de bombeo, agitación, mezcla y de conducción de fluidos que se fabrican han permitido satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes a lo largo de estos años.

La constante innovación y desarrollo permiten a INOXMIM proporcionar soluciones completas en la mayoría de procesos satisfaciendo, de este modo, los requerimientos más exigentes en la industria.

Somos profesionales con una larga trayectoria y experiencia que nos abala.