Characteristics, strengths and applications of industrial propeller agitators
Industrial agitators are used in the chemical sector and downstream industries to ensure homogeneity of mixtures. The choice...
How to perform preventive maintenance on a centrifugal pump?
Whether everything goes perfectly on an industrial production line or in a specific industry depends on many factors, among...
Catalog of industrial agitators: vertical, lateral and amulsifying
Catalog of industrial agitators: vertical, lateral and emulsifying. InoxMIM has lines of vertical, lateral and emulsifying...
Proveedores de bombas centrífugas y otros tipos para cubrir distintas aplicaciones
El uso de las bombas industriales es imprescindible en una larga lista de procesos industriales, dentro de los sectores...
Vertical agitators for the food industry
Vertical agitators to cover the majority of applications within the food industry sector At InoxMIM we have a high...
How does a horizontal centrifugal pump work?
A horizontal centrifugal pump is normally used in companies that transfer large quantities of industrial fluids. InoxMIM has...
What is the NPSH of a centrifugal pump?
In this article, we show you what the NPSH of a centrifugal pump is, how it is calculated and...
How does a liquid ring pump work?
In the food, chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, there are numerous engineering services that help to facilitate the...
What are the components of a centrifugal pump and how to identify them?
Manufacturers of centrifugal pumps for the process industry At InoxMIM you will find one of the leading manufacturers...
What is the assembly process of an industrial agitator like?
Industrial agitators are commonly used in installations where there are tanks or process tanks for liquids and where a...