What is the BEERX 2019 fair?

The BEERX 2019 is the largest independent craft beer fair in the United Kingdom. It will be held on March 13 and 14 in Liverpool, with what is guaranteed to be a resounding success.  We are talking about one of the most high-profile events for craft beer companies, breweries, and lovers of this drink so steeped in history.  Anyone with a commercial interest in beer is welcomed with open arms.

What is happening at BEERX 2019?

The schedule is full of: workshops with experts; debates of all kinds on brewing techniques; supplier samples, both of products and services; and stands with a thousand different kinds of craft beer to try.

Where is the BEERX 2019 taking place?

The BEERX 2019 fair will be held in the exhibition and fairs centre in the English city of Liverpool. The main organiser is SIBA (Society of Independent Brewers in the United Kingdom). It really should be noted that the organisation of this festival is truly enviable and sets the standards for other fairs held throughout Europe. With more than five thousand hotel rooms near the event and good transport connections with the main English cities, its success is more than assured. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the festival is surrounded by pubs, bars, and restaurants, to complete its exceptional offer.

Who is the organiser SIBA?

BEERX 2019

SIBA is a society of independent brewers and producers that was established in 1980 to defend interests of the growing number of breweries that were emerging throughout Britain.

At the beginning of 2002, a campaign called “Progressive Beer Duty” was launched, with the intention of getting the smallest breweries in England to pay fewer taxes. The SIBA society was the main driving force behind this campaign. This has directly contributed to the explosion of new breweries that have emerged in the United Kingdom during the last fifteen years.

What will InoxMIM bring to BEERX 2019?

BEERX 2019

InoxMIM will contribute its talent, its good work and its vast experience to this high-profile beer fair. It will do so directly with its own stand at the event. We have special equipment and stirrers for mixing products stored in medium and large volume tanks. We will show the general public some of our very latest cutting-edge equipment.

To all beer lovers!

Since its humble beginnings in 1997, INOXMIM has always been heavily involved in the development and manufacture of industrial machinery. The pumping, agitation, mixing and fluid delivery systems that we manufacture have enabled us to meet the needs of our customers on a continual basis.

Through constant innovation and development, INOXMIM is able to provide complete solutions for most processes, whilst satisfying the most demanding industry requirements.

We are your ideal professional partner with a long history and a vast amount of experience.