We have a wide range of vertical agitators designed for extraction, distillation and dissolving of essential oils
As a manufacturer of machinery for perfume companies, we would like to mention that all our agitators and pumps can be ATEX certified in accordance with the different production stages. Depending on the specific features of each system or the substances being handled, the working areas in production facilities may be susceptible to explosive atmospheres. To prevent any potential accidents and ensure the safety of the factory, it is imperative that manufacturers comply with the ATEX directive’s rules and regulations.
Having said that, we would like to show you our wide range of vertical agitators, which are both fast and slow, and ideal for carrying out different extraction, distillation and essential oil dissolving methods.
We have a wide range of sizes, models and configurations available as manufacturers of industrial agitators , which, together with the optimised and customised designs that we usually offer our customers, means that each agitator is capable of adapting to a host of applications within the cosmetics industry.

Perfume factory machinery: what can we do to upgrade your factory?
We develop machinery for the cosmetics industry, as well as quality and technically complex agitation, mixing and emulsion systems, constantly seeking a balance between the performance and efficiency of all our equipment.
Not only are we a machine manufacturer, we also consider the appropriate consumption and mechanical performance parameters for each application. We constantly strive to ensure that our agitators have various sealing capabilities to guarantee a perfect seal, to prevent product and gas leaks, etc.
Over the years, our advanced know-how, alongside our strong commitment to research and development of new technologies, has allowed us to manufacture equipment capable of operating at high pressures, in a vacuum, and in explosive atmospheres…
We identify the requirements of every production facility and locate the most appropriate machinery for optimising your cosmetic production lines.
Vertical agitators designed to satisfy a long list of applications, including those in the cosmetics industry
Below, you can see two examples of the vertical agitators for the cosmetics industry in our catalogue:
GFL vertical agitator
The GFL vertical agitators are driven by a parallel geared motor and have been designed to work at low rotation speeds, thus facilitating the use of agitating elements with a large blade surface, which subsequently ensures high operating efficiency.
Thanks to their application versatility and high agitation capacity, they can be adapted to the requirements of each system and are essential industrial machines.
These are used within the cosmetics industry to make gels, soaps, colognes…, although they are also very common for all kinds of homogenisation, temperature exchange, mixing, suspensions…

Tandem vertical agitator

The TANDEM vertical agitator is designed so that different sealing systems can be installed according to the requirements of each system or application:
These agitators have been designed to satisfy a long list of applications, both within the food and the cosmetics industries.
In perfume companies, they are often used when making gels and creams; this is because they are highly viscous products that require a high degree of mixing. Apart from this, other common operations are the dissolving, homogenisation and agitation of mixtures, thermal exchanges, chemical reactions, etc.
For more detailed information, just fill out the contact form on this website. If you prefer, you can also call us on (+34) 972 58 20 40 or send an email to [email protected]