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Targeted online actions to boost cosmetics supplier sales

Competition within the cosmetics sector is fierce and it is important to have very clear and well-defined commercial strategies and online marketing measures in order to increase sales or enhance the reputation of a brand…you want to stand out from the rest. Are you a cosmetics supplier looking for new ways to attract sales and customers? If so, you may be interested in what we have to say.

  • Create a blog on your website with interesting and helpful information to help users decide on products. This blog will also improve the online positioning of your company in the main Internet search engines (SEO).

  • Organise, manage and interact with potential clients on the company’s social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest would be the ideal networks for a cosmetics supplier.

  • Organise online courses and video tutorials for makeup, hairdressing, cosmetics and beauty. This will increase your brand reputation, social media engagement and, consequently, your company’s sales.

  • Applying Inboud Marketing strategies is the best way to convert your web users into customers or There are a lot of tools for this: newsletter, pop ups, call to action… and this can all be done without using intrusive marketing techniques.

  • Include an online customer service chat on your website. It will strengthen your customers’ trust in your company and they will be able to directly ask your sales representatives any questions they may have.

  • Include positive comments and testimonials from your most satisfied customers in every possible format: presentations, social networks, your website’s Homepage , videos, podcasts …).

  • Survey specific products to see if they are performing as they should from a business perspective. Simply send an email after purchase and it’s done.

  • Host online events with well-known influencers, hairdressers, and makeup artists. It will solve customer doubts, teach them how to apply their products in the correct way and boost your brand’s online reputation.

These are just some of the ways in which you can begin to increase sales in the medium term. Each of these could be included in a marketing and communications campaign specially designed to boost conversions and gain customers. We are living in the age of information and new technologies. Never lose sight of this!